Mutts Troops | Brandspirit

Mutts Troops / Brandspirit

"we can all have, create, our own brand spirit"

Mutts Troops, an idea created between a group of friends, the image was thought of and that's how the first idea came up, the logo, the name, the concept...

We build our spirit.

Mutts Troops, an idea created between a group of friends, the image was thought of and that's how the first idea came up, the logo, the name, the concept...

We launched the idea in some supports, to the "personal" taste, where the base would be a different concept with which everyone could identify, hence the idea of the "origin" having a little to do with the place where we grew up the spirit is notorious, the evolution that we all go through and we must take advantage of the best lessons, Mutts Troops with the slogan Brandspirit, thus has its meaning a little beyond its literal translation, a spirit of brand and character.

This concept follows on from the idea that we can all have, create our own brand spirit, assume our difference from everyone, this not being a problem... hence our mascot being the Bull Terrier breed, created not for the best reasons , but with its evolution it has become a noble animal, a very deep character, today adored and not judged by its past.

So we decided for this set of ideas, and for all those that identify themselves... to create a new image, within a new style, but more comprehensive where they could most identify, joining the spirit to the image. These are the first ideas for the new Mutts Troops image.

António Jaloto

Professional activity:
Design, communication and graphic arts.

Official designation:
Graphic Designer and Finalist Art.

Appointments schedule:
not available.

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